Back Creek Anchorage

Anchor allowed, Mooring buoys

The anchorage in Back Creek is allowed. Mud cover the seabed in Back Creek. If you anchor in Back Creek, you can easily reach the by dinghy. Mooring buoys are also available in Back Creek. Coordinates You can reach Back Creek at the following coordinate

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Weather in Back Creek

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Back Creek before your trip.

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The neighborhood

Back Creek is located at 38⁰ 19' 53.36'' N and 77⁰ 32' 24.64'' W on the United States part of the North Atlantic Ocean in Maryland, United States

Maryland is a state in the US, situated in the Mid-Atlantic part of the country and neighboring West Virginia, Washington, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The capital city of Maryland is Annapolis. Maryland is one of the most important regions in America from a historical and religious perspec
This map shows Back Creek's specific location.