Porz Liboudou Anchorage
Porz Liboudou Anchorage

Porz Liboudou

Brittany, France

Anchor allowed, Mooring buoys


You can reach Porz Liboudou by calling VHF09.

The anchorage in Porz Liboudou is allowed. The seabed in Porz Liboudou consists of rocks and seaweed. Mooring buoys are also available in Porz Liboudou. Coordinates The coordinates of Porz Liboudou are 48⁰ 28' 4.36'' N and 6⁰ 28' 19.64'' W on the Fren

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Weather in Porz Liboudou

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Porz Liboudou before your trip.

El clima

La region

Porz Liboudou is located at 48⁰ 28' 4.36'' N and 6⁰ 28' 19.64'' W on the French part of the Celtic Sea in Brittany, France

Brittany is one of the 27 regions of France, located in the North-Western side of the country and it is known as a cultural region. It contains 5 departments: Finistere, Cotes-d’Armor, Ille-et-Villaine, Loire-Atlantique and Morbihan. The entire region is surrounded by the waters of the Mediter
Este mapa muestra la ubicación específica de Porz Liboudou.