Phuket Anchorage
Phuket Anchorage



Anchor allowed

The anchorage in Phuket is allowed. Phuket’s seabed is made of sand. Coordinates You can reach Phuket at the following coordinates: 7⁰ 58' 11.36'' N and 98⁰ 25' 56.36'' E on the Thailand part of the Malacca Strait.

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Weather in Phuket

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Phuket before your trip.

La météo

La région

Phuket is located at 7⁰ 58' 11.36'' N and 98⁰ 25' 56.36'' E on the Thailand part of the Malacca Strait

Cette carte montre l'emplacement spécifique de Phuket.