Katápola Anchorage
Katápola Anchorage

Anchor allowed, Anchor stern to

Katápola is a Recommended Anchorage.
The anchorage in Katápola is allowed. Katápola’s seabed is made of sand. If you anchor in Katápola, you can easily reach the Dock by dinghy. In Katápola, it is best to anchor stern-to. This type of anchoring, which is also called med-mooring, means that the boat’s st

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Weather in Katápola

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Katápola before your trip.

La météo

La région

Katápola is located at 36⁰ 49' 39.36'' N and 25⁰ 51' 50.36'' E in Naxos Island, Greece

Located in the center of the Cyclades archipelago, Naxos Island, known for its polymorphic landscape and enthralling beaches, is surrounded by Paros, Donoussa, Schinoussa and Koufonissia. Legend tells us that in the Heroic Age before the Trojan war, Ariadne of Crete was abandoned on the island of Na
Cette carte montre l'emplacement spécifique de Katápola.