Little Dix Bay Anchorage
Little Dix Bay Anchorage

Anchor allowed

Little Dix Bay is a Recommended Anchorage.
The anchorage in Little Dix Bay is allowed. In Little Dix Bay, there is a sandy seabed. You can get a snack in Little Dix Bay very easy by dinghy. Coordinates The coordinates of Little Dix Bay are 18⁰ 27' 39.36'' N and 65⁰ 33' 58.64'' W on the British Vir

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Weather in Little Dix Bay

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Little Dix Bay before your trip.

Il tempo

La regione

Little Dix Bay is located at 18⁰ 27' 39.36'' N and 65⁰ 33' 58.64'' W on the British Virgin Islands part of the Caribbean Sea in Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands

Virgin Gorda is one of the British Virgin Islands, an archipelago located in the Caribbean Sea. The territory is part of the British overseas lands. Virgin Gorda is the third biggest island in its family and one of the most popular destinations for tourists. Most travelers who venture in these parts
Questa mappa mostra la posizione specifica di Little Dix Bay.