You can reach ACI Marina Opatija Ičići by calling VHF17.
ACI Marina Opatija located in the town of Opatija is the all in one destination for your perfect vacation: quiet elegance, magnificent beauty, history, cultural events, a rich cuisine and superb wellness centers. Opatija is situated just at the centre of the Riviera, the main chain of Croatian resor
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We strongly advise you to check the weather in ACI Marina Opatija Ičići before your trip.
Check weatherACI Marina Opatija Ičići is located in Primorje-Gorski Kotar
Entering ACI Marina Opatija. From the sea the marina is easily identified by a breakwater. Entrance to the harbor is from the northeast. At the head of the breakwater there is a lighthouse (Fl R 3s 7m 3M), which can be used as a way point (45°18,9’ N 14°17,8’ E).
Sea depth at the entrance to the marina is 7 m. Maximum speed in the marina is 2 knots.
Note: Official navigational charts recommended (Official Navigational Charts – publisher HHI Split): 100-18, 50-4 and MK-5.
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