You can reach Agios Nikolaos Marina (Crete) by calling VHF72.
Agios Nikolaos Marina is a large port located on the shores of the Sea of Crete in the city of Agios Nikolaos. This city is the perfect destination for tourists interested in learning more about Greece and its history. Lake Voulismeni is one of the most famous lakes in all of Greece and it was belie
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We strongly advise you to check the weather in Agios Nikolaos Marina (Crete) before your trip.
Check weatherAgios Nikolaos Marina (Crete) is located in Crete Island
The electricity and water is charged according to counter meter. The prices are 0,242€/KW for electricity and 2,82€/m3 for the water + taxes (24%).
The owner of the boat is responsible for keeping the area around their boat on the hard standing area clean and tidy. We will make a charge of 100€ each time it becomes necessary for the marina to clean up this area should you fail to do so.
Water and Electricity is charged according to counter meters. There is a minimum charge of 3,00€ for electricity and 3,00€ for water.
The Restrictive Policy doesn't allow any refund.
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