Jachthaven Nauerna Marina
MarinaReservation.com presents

Jachthaven Nauerna

North Holland, Netherlands
Berth Characteristics
  • 380 berths
  • Max Length 26 m
Radio Channel

You can reach Jachthaven Nauerna by calling VHF.

Nauerna Marina is situated just 3 kilometres away from Zaandam and 7 from Amsterdam and Beverwijk. It’s ideal for sailing to the North Sea,  the canals of Amsterdam and the Ijsselmeer and has a capacity of 400 berths. The harbour is known for its beautiful nature and environment, which ar

Facilities of Jachthaven Nauerna

  • Yacht renting
  • Wifi
  • Waste collection
  • Washing services
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Weather in Jachthaven Nauerna

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Jachthaven Nauerna before your trip.

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The neighborhood

Jachthaven Nauerna is located in North Holland

This map shows Jachthaven Nauerna's specific location.



A client will be refunded of 25% from the amount paid for a reservation (here including berths and services booking) if he/she cancels the reservation minimum 15 full days before performing the check-in ONLY IF between the booking date and the check-in date there is an interval of minimum 30 full days

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