You can reach Marine Sifredi Carloforte by calling VHF15.
Marine Sifredi is an Italian marina that is hosted by the popular fishing town of Carloforte which is located on the Island of San Petro, only 7 km away from the south-western coast of the island of Sardinia. Marine Sifredi has 400 berths distributed in three tourist docks located respectively in th
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We strongly advise you to check the weather in Marine Sifredi Carloforte before your trip.
Check weatherMarine Sifredi Carloforte is located in Sardinia
Important notes:
- Daily berth prices include water up to 20 m boat length and electricity up to 32 A 220 V.
- Summer includes 1 month of electricity up to 16 A 220 V and water up to 18 mt. boat length.
- Winter includes 1 month of electricity up to 16 A 220 V and water up to 18 mt. boat length.
- Annual includes 2 months of electricity up to 16 A 220 V and water up to 15 meters boat length.
- Monthly price: from October to April 50% discount, from May to July and September 30%, August 15%.
- Finger berths plus 50%
Water and Electricity Prices (per square meter):
- Electricity for boats up to 30 m long → 0.157€/sq.m (Motor), 0.214€/sq. m (Sailing)
- Electricity for boats longer than 30 m → 0.4€/sq. m
- Aqua for Motorboats → 0.17€/sq. m
- Aqua for Sailing boats → 0.09€/sq. m
The Restrictive Policy doesn't allow any refund.
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