You can reach Port de Macinaggio by calling VHF9.
Port de Macinaggio is also identified as Port de Plaisance de Macinaggio and Le Port de Macinaggio. It is hosted by the coastal village with the same name, on the French coast of the Mediterranean on the island of Corsica, in the department of Haute-Corse. There are wonderful beaches with crystal cl
We strongly advise you to check the weather in Port de Macinaggio before your trip.
Check weatherPort de Macinaggio is located in Corsica
Opening hours
Winter : 8am / 12am – 2pm / 5pm from Monday till Friday
In April, May June and September : from Monday to Saturday from 8am / 12am – 2pm / 7pm
In October : From Monday to Saturday from 8am / 12am – 2pm / 6pm
On Saturday : 8am / 12am
Summer : every day from 7am till 9pm
Location and approach
Distance of the nearby ports : Bastia (17 Miles), St Florent (31 Miles), Nice (108 Miles), Italy (Genoa 86 Miles, Portoferraio (38 Miles)
To approach during the day : 3 tips behind the port, and also wind turbines.
To approach during the night : Cardinal EST balise then fire R with occultations
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