You can reach Porto di Santa Teresa Gallura by calling VHF12.
Porto di Santa Teresa Gallura is also identified as Port Santa Teresa Gallura or Marina di Santa Teresa di Gallura and it is hosted by the coastal commune and municipality with the same name. This marina specializes in recreational activities and it can be found in the northern side of Sardinia, on
We strongly advise you to check the weather in Porto di Santa Teresa Gallura before your trip.
Check weatherPorto di Santa Teresa Gallura is located in Sardinia
Entering the port leave free space for ferry manoeuvre in mooring and unmooring phase; the ferry company Moby performs a rotation of 360° just outside the entrance of the port in unmooring phase.
At the wooden bridge, shallow water on the left where extends a small rocky promontory. The obstacle is reported with a buoy.
All berths are fixed onto the quay or with floating stage, with catenary or buoy according to dimensions. There are no buoy moorings far from the mainland.
The Restrictive Policy doesn't allow any refund.
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