Saint Katharine Docks Marina Marina
Saint Katharine Docks Marina Marina
Saint Katharine Docks Marina Marina
Saint Katharine Docks Marina Marina
Saint Katharine Docks Marina Marina presents

Saint Katharine Docks Marina

Greater London, England
Berth Characteristics
  • 185 berths
  • Max Length 40 m
  • Max Draught 9 m
Radio Channel

You can reach Saint Katharine Docks Marina by calling VHF80.

Saint Katharine Docks Marina is a Recommended Marina.

St Katharine's Marina is located in Central London, on the River Thames, England. Its position is favorable, right next to Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The management and staff at St. Katharine Docks would very much like to welcome you to the marina and wish you an enjoyable stay. With its

Facilities of Saint Katharine Docks Marina

  • Water
  • Bar
  • Electricity
  • Fuel station
Show all 12 facilities

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Weather in Saint Katharine Docks Marina

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Saint Katharine Docks Marina before your trip.

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The neighborhood

Saint Katharine Docks Marina is located in Greater London

This map shows Saint Katharine Docks Marina's specific location.


Marina Rules


Winter Season (November - March)
The lock operates HW- 2hrs to HW + 1.5hrs, during 08:00 - 18:00 hrs.

Summer Season (April - October)
The lock operates HW - 2hrs to HW + 1.5hrs, during 06:00 - 20:30 hrs.


VHF Radio
St Katharine Docks Marina may be contacted on VHF Channel 80 during scheduled locking times. Call sign "St Katharine's".

Advanced berth reservations are strongly recommended at St. Katharine Docks. Berthing is not guaranteed without a confirmed reservation. We ask that you provide advanced notice, when feasible, of your approximate arrival time so we can include your vessel in our locking schedule and minimize any inconvenience to you.

Please Note: Captains and his/her assignee must check-in/check-out with the marina office for each stay unless otherwise arranged with marina management.


As soon as you have Tower Bridge in sight, please hail the marina on VHF Channel 80 and call sign “St. Katharine’s”. The Dock Team will provide an update on the current operations of the lock.

At that time, your berth assignment will be provided and the dock team will greet you in the lock and assist with your docking. Once secured in the lock, you will be asked to visit our Marina Reception to complete your arrival procedure. The staff will quickly register you and answer any questions.


To make your stay with us more enjoyable, the following set of guidelines should be followed. These are merely suggested rules of etiquette and regulations to make the Marina and its facilities more enjoyable for all customers.

- Do not leave garbage on the docks or common areas to be picked up. Garbage should be bagged and tied and then properly placed in designated receptacles, or be placed in the garbage truck, not loosely scattered or abandoned.

- Oils and fuels should be disposed of properly and not in Marina trash cans. Please ask for assistance when disposing of oils, fuels, or chemicals. Your concern for the environment helps.

- Try not to introduce any effluents into the Marina lagoon. Use holding tanks if possible.

- Do not attempt to turn on your own water and electricity. Please have a dock attendant provide the service. Using pliers or screwdrivers will damage the equipment and you will be charged. It is suggested that you read meters (if applicable) along with our dock attendant to ensure accuracy.

- Anyone caught taking water from another yacht's tap shall be responsible for the entire water cost of the metered yacht. Please use your own water.

- Keep power cords and water hoses in a neat and orderly fashion so that no one will trip in the dark or while carrying objects.

- Please wash sails on lawn areas where water outlets and drying spaces are available, or do it aboard your yacht.

- When marking anchor chains with paint, use paper or cardboard beneath your chain to keep wet paint off the docks and other customers' shoes.

- When cleaning dinghies, make sure you rinse debris and growth off of the docks when finished.

- Lock the vessel when leaving it unattended.

- Lock your dinghies and outboard at night.

- Try to keep excessive noise down after 10:00 pm.

- Do not utilize power sanders or grinders while completing minor vessel repairs.

- Barbecue and cooking on the docks is prohibited. Barbecue and cooking should be done on board in suitable equipment and self-contained. Any other way is dangerous and frowned upon. Kindly clean up after yourself when finished. Charcoal ash and debris are not to be disposed of into the lagoon.

- If bright deck lights or spotlights are to be used at night, avoid pointing them at nearby boats, especially down or into their cabins.

- Pets need to be kept on a leash or in an acceptable carrying case. Please be sure to clean up after your pets. Owners will be responsible for any damages caused by unattended pets.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


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