Marina de Vilamoura Marina
Marina de Vilamoura Marina
Marina de Vilamoura Marina
Marina de Vilamoura Marina
Marina de Vilamoura Marina presents

Marina de Vilamoura

Faro, Portugal
Berth Characteristics
  • 825 berths
  • Max Length 60 m
  • Max Draught 4 m
Radio Channel

You can reach Marina de Vilamoura by calling VHF12.

Marina de Vilamoura is a Recommended Marina.

Marina de Vilamoura (Vilamoura Marina in English) is situated in the old part of Faro District, on the Southern coast of Portugal. It was opened for business in 1974 and it is the biggest and most famous marina in Portugal, with an idyllic view. The best places to enjoy your stay in Vilamoura are: D

Facilities of Marina de Vilamoura

  • Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Wifi
  • Water
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Weather in Marina de Vilamoura

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Marina de Vilamoura before your trip.

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The neighborhood

Marina de Vilamoura is located in Faro

This map shows Marina de Vilamoura's specific location.



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